Welcome to the LEILex Renewal Reminder tool. Please enter your LEI and receive email reminder of the related LEI renewal date.
This is an email reminder tool from LEILex for all LEIs worldwide.
- Loading...
- No Suggestions
{{ result.LegalName }}
{{ result.LEI }}
Thank you for subscribing to LEILex Alerts.
Your LEILex LEI Renewal Reminder subscription has been successfully completed.
LEI renewal details and the email notification dates are provided below.
{{leiDetails.renewalTime}} UTC
Lapses in {{diffInDays(leiDetails.renewalDate)}} days
Lapsed {{Math.abs(diffInDays(leiDetails.renewalDate))}} days ago
Entity Name / LEI Code
LEI Reminder Subscription Email
{{ numberToWord(i+1) }} Email Notification
{{ convertBackendDateTimeToDateString(notification.NotificationDate) }}
{{ getNotificationTypeLabel(notification.NotificationType) }}
As your LEI is currently LAPSED, we will not immediately schedule any regular notifications. Once a renewal is detected for your LEI, a set of notifications will be issued according the predefined schedule with advanced email before lapsing and subsequent emails after the Next Renewal Date is reached.
LEI Details
LEI Code | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.LEI}} |
Legal Name | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.LegalName}} |
Registered At | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.RegistrationAuthorityID}} |
Registered As | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.RegistrationAuthorityEntityID}} |
Jurisdiction Of Formation | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.LegalJurisdiction}} |
General Category | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.EntityCategory}} |
Entity Legal Form | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.LegalForm}} |
Entity Status | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.EntityStatus}} |
Entity created at | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.EntityCreationStr}} |
Registration Date | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.InitRegStr}} |
Last Update | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.LastUpdateStr}} |
Status | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.RegistrationStatus}} |
Next Renewal | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.NextRenewalDateStr}} |
LEI Issuer | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.ManagingLOU}} |
Corroboration Level | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.ValidationSources}} |
Data Validated At | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.RegistrationAuthorityID}} |
Data Validated As | {{leiDetails.LeiRecord.RegistrationAuthorityEntityID}} |
LEILex Renewal Reminder tool is in Beta. It is currently designed for individual LEI rather than bulk LEI reminders and is subject to fair usage. Multiple reminders to a single email address are allowed but limited. By entering your email address in the LEILex Renewal Reminder tool you agree to receipt of emails reminding you of the renewal date of the related LEI.